I’m Thankful

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We just celebrated Thanksgiving, so everyone is (or at least should) be thinking about everything they have to be thankful for.  It’s been a lot time since I’ve done a thankful list, so I think it’s high time to rectify that!

Please note these are in no particular order 🙂

#1 Pat.  My husband is my best friend and my biggest cheerleader.  I know that no matter what the world throws at me, I will never have to face it alone.

#2 My family, especially my niece and nephew.  I love those two with all my heart and I am so proud of the fine people they are growing up to be.   I’m glad we can still gather for holidays and love how they embraced my husband since day one.

#3 My kitties.  A bad day is made 100 times better by having one or more of my fuzzbutts greeting me when I come in the door.  And there is nothing on Earth like a purring cat.

#4 The internet.  Being able to stay connected with family and friends all over the world is something we take for granted anymore, but I’m old enough to remember life before the internet.  The internet has done a lot of harm too, but it can – and should – be used for good.  To connect people.  To share information and knowledge.  To bring us closer together.

#5 Caffeine.  Sleeping has always been a skill of mine, but now that I’m “going through the change” it’s not as easy as it used to be.  Caffeine allows me to function when night sweats, weird dreams, and/ or a very small bladder have interfered with my slumber the night before.

#6 Steady employment.  I’m fortunate to work for a stable, growing company who didn’t lay anyone off during COVID.  And beyond that, I feel valued and challenged.   I’ll be celebrating 15 years there in March.

#7 My sense of humor.  It’s been said if you can laugh at yourself you’ll never run out of things to laugh at.  From having coworkers half my age to busting out old timey sayings no one else under 70 has heard before to my general lack of coordination I have no trouble finding things to laugh at!

#8 Football.  The NFL is not a perfect league by any means.  But I get so much enjoyment from watching games and playing fantasy football.  Professionally it gives me a conversation starter with customers from any part of the country.  Go Dolphins!

#9 My clarinet.  The band room was the one place I felt safe in high school.  As an adult, I’ve played with several community bands, meeting amazing people along the way and continuing to find joy in something I’ve loved since I was young.

#10 Acceptance/ openness surrounding mental health.  I’ve struggled with my mental health most of my life.  When I started taking antidepressants in the late 90s there was still a lot of stigma surrounding them, but I had a wonderful doctor who helped me understand that mental illness is just that- an illness – and there is no shame in taking medication for a chronic illness.  I am so glad that people getting these diagnoses today don’t have that additional hurdle to overcome.

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